

The music curriculum aims to develop every child’s confidence to sing and perform instrumentally to peers and the wider school community.

They will understand musical terms and be able to recognise and articulate what they hear across different styles, genres and traditions both in recorded and, wherever possible, live music.

By the time they leave Khalsa Primary, each child will be able to read rhythm and pitch notation. They will also have had the opportunity to learn recorders, trumpets and ukuleles.

As well as becoming good musicians, the music curriculum also encourages the development of life skills such as teamwork, multitasking, perseverance, coordination, concentration, listening skills, a sense of achievement and self-esteem.

Early Years

EYFS children should sing and join in with action songs, take turns in music games, listen and respond to music through movement, explore voice and body sounds and  respond to changes in tempo dynamics and pitch through movement, voice and percussion instruments.


In KS1 children will have the opportunity to use their voices expressively, play tuned and un-tuned instruments, listen to and respond to different genres of music and experiment with sounds to create their own pieces of music


Pupils should be taught to sing and play musically with increasing confidence and control. They should develop an understanding of musical composition, organising and manipulating ideas within musical structures and reproducing sounds from aural memory.


Each child has the opportunity to:

Sing as a whole key stage or in individual classes.

They will sing unison, part songs and rounds.

Play both pitched and non-pitched percussion instruments,

Learn a brass, string and woodwind instrument,

Read, write and follow notation

Learn practically about the inter-related dimensions of music; tempo, dynamics, pitch, duration, timbre, rhythm and pulse.

Compose music from different stimuli, using structures in music.

Encourage the children to take risks and learn from their mistakes.

In addition, there is a school choir both for children and staff. This creates unity through the whole school community.

Throughout their school life, each child has the opportunity to perform both instrumentally and vocally.

This includes KS1 Nativity performances and Year 6 leavers performance.

Children also have the opportunity to take part in off-site musical events which includes contact with students from other schools as well as the opportunity to hear and play a variety of instruments.

Rocksteady is an external provider that gives children the chance to create a band by playing either keyboard, electric guitar, drum kits or lead singer.

What do we do to measure our success?

Throughout the school pupils are assessed against the National Curriculum objectives.

We adopt a range of assessment approaches that motivate young people to make progress including:

  • pupil-led assessment
  • peer assessment techniques
  • self-assessment and reflection
  • use of performances both to peers and the wider community