At Khalsa Primary School we work hard to ensure that all children leave EYFS as resilient, confident, independent learners who have made excellent progress from their individual starting points and are ready for KS1.

At Khalsa Primary School, we aim to provide motivating, hands-on memorable learning experiences that encourage children to display ambition and develop a lifelong love of learning.

We recognise that all children are unique and celebrate and embrace differences. Therefore, our curriculum is child-centered and ambitious, following the interests of the children. We are passionate about children leading and immersing themselves in their own learning. The learning experience is based on the characteristics of effective teaching and learning experiences, we ensure that our children understand and can discuss their learning journey including the value of the process of learning as well as the outcome.

This is embedded in the children from when they first start in our Nursery. We work in partnership with families and other settings to provide the best possible start whilst ensuring that every child reaches their full potential from their various starting points.

We aim to:

  • Provide a bespoke curriculum, in line with the local context, that offers children a range of opportunities to widen their horizons. Through creative opportunities in our indoor and outdoor provision, children are inspired to try new things and relish a challenge and be inquisitive.
  • Ensure that we have high expectations of all pupils encouraging them to develop a positive mindset and resilience so that they can problem solve and achieve beyond expected. By the end of the Reception, our aim is to ensure that all children make outstanding progress in all areas of learning and are equipped with the skills and knowledge to enable a smooth transition into Year 1.
  • Provide a stimulating learning environment that helps children achieve their potential and support those who need additional help to maximise their chances of achieving their Early Learning Goals
  • Provide children the opportunity to develop their sense of wellbeing and ability to regulate their feelings so that they feel confident, safe and nurtured and are equipped with all the tools they need to transition to Year 1 effectively. We achieve this through the Zones of Regulation.
  • Enhance the skills and expertise of staff working in EYFS through regular and comprehensive coaching, mentoring and professional development opportunities.

Build meaningful partnerships with families and other settings to provide the best start to each child’ s education at Khalsa. We host Stay and Play Sessions for our families to attend prior to joining our school so that families and children can familiarise themselves with our school, staff and ethos.


Each half term, EYFS staff introduce a new theme to provide inspiration for learning, whilst also providing the flexibility for children to follow their own interests and ideas. 

Children are provided with time to engage in ‘exploration’ throughout the variety of experiences which are carefully planned to engage and challenge children. The curriculum is planned meticulously both inside and outside the classrooms – with equal importance given to learning in both areas.

Our learning environment is fun, stimulating and inviting. It sparks children’s curiosity and fosters a sense of awe and wonder. Skillful adult interactions support the children as they begin to link learning to their play and exploration right from the beginning of their learning journey. We believe that high level engagement ensures high level attainment. Hence, we provide an engaging curriculum that maximises opportunities for meaningful cross-curricular links and learning experiences, as well as promoting the unique child by offering extended periods of play and sustained thinking.

When teaching phonics, we follow the RWI phonics programme. The Nursery team begin by focusing on developing children’s speaking and listening skills. This lays a solid foundation for the acquisition of phonics which commences when children are ready for ‘word time’ and acquiring the Set 1 Sounds. The early emphasis in Nursery is getting children attuned to the sounds around them in order for them to be ready to begin developing oral blending and segmenting skills, prior to word time. In Reception, the children work through the RWI programme and are assessed half termly on their segmenting and blending skills to decode words. Children are encouraged to read at home and are listened to regularly in school. They are provided with home reading books that match their phonetical knowledge, which allows our children to apply their learning with the aim of becoming successful, confident and fluent readers.

We follow the White Rose Scheme to enable us to lay secure mathematical foundations for our young mathematicians. Through this targeted teaching approach, children progress through phases at an appropriate pace. This ensures that there are no gaps in their early acquisition of mathematical concepts which they will build upon securely as they move through the school.

Outside of their exceptional EYFS provision focusing on the 7 areas of learning our, children are provided with opportunities to develop and nurture talents in STEM, the Arts, Sport and Gardening.

We provide effective and focused targeted provision for those children who are finding learning challenging and are not on track to meet expectations at the end of the year. This will be provided in an inclusive way and support from families is also enlisted, at an early stage, to ensure that the children have every chance to achieve the Early Learning Goals and are prepared for future learning.

The EYFS team celebrates children’s learning through work completed in their books, observations, photos and videos which are shared with parents using Tapestry. This allows families the opportunity to engage with children regularly about their learning and their contributions adds to the knowledge we have of the child in school.

We measure progress and children’s learning across the year through formative and summative assessments which are based on the teacher’s knowledge of the child, their learning journeys, photographs and videos.

As the children’s EYFS journey comes to an end, the EYFS team works closely with the year 1 team to ensure a smooth and seamless transition. During the Summer Term, children in our Reception classes, spend a day in their new setting with their new teachers. A detailed handover takes place through the sharing of books, observations and information about each individual child. The reception class teachers meet with the year one team and through the sharing of books, observations, information about the whole child so the year 1 understand how their planning and environment can be maximised to best suit the needs of the children. Both children and families feel much more at ease with the transition to Year 1 and it is already familiar to them prior to September.


The impact of our bespoke and broad curriculum is reflected in having well rounded, happy and confident children transitioning into Year 1 and parents who understand and are involved in their child’s progression. The children are often amazing role models for others in school.

Children leave EYFS with a deep understanding of the foundations of early mathematics and literacy.

Children leave EYFS with a love of reading and a secure foundation in phonics.

Vocabulary and language development is key to our success.

Children leave EYFS able to challenge themselves and reflect on their learning using Learning in The Deep. They are able to choose independent challenges and show resilience when facing them.

Children leave EYFS able to regulate their emotions and talk about how they feel.

Children leave EYFS displaying a keen interest in STEM and music as well as a wider curriculum.

We develop their individual character supporting them to make the right choices.

Our children exceed National and Local data children achieving Good Level of Development. All our children make accelerated progress from their various starting points and are well prepared for year one.
