School Prospectus
Please to download the Prospectus.
Choosing the right school for your child is one of the most important responsibilities you undertake. The purpose of this prospectus is to give you information about our school to help you make that choice.
At Khalsa Primary we are conscious of the necessity to provide our pupils with a broad and balanced curriculum and constantly review and evaluate the achievements of the school. We aim to provide both high academic standards and a good faith basis. Khalsa Primary strives to achieve its aims through a strong partnership between governors, staff, children and parents. Most of our governors are parents or past parents and members of our community. We believe that this improves the level of co-operation and the sense of shared commitment and responsibility.
We believe that we can only achieve the best for your child by close co-operation between home and school. Without the involvement of parents, our task is that much more difficult and less enjoyable. We hope that parents will take a close interest in what their children are doing in school and will encourage learning and its importance in later life.
We would be pleased to show parents around our school, so that the atmosphere and ethos can be experienced first hand. We welcome this as an opportunity to explain our aims and to be able to answer any questions that you may have.